Swami Kriyananda Stories — Encounters With a Direct Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda

Swamiji pronams to a friend during a public talk and tea at Ananda Sangha in Palo Alto, California, 2006. Photo by the author.

Paramhansa Yogananda repeatedly told his disciple Swami Kriyananda, “You have a great work to do.” And while there were aspects of his life that were of tremendous significance for the future of religion, Swamiji also served as a beacon of the light for many thousands of individual souls.

To these friends, Swami Kriyananda was a savior, a divine friend who offered the beams of divine help they particularly needed. And while no one could tell the aggregate saga of his help to so many, they each can testify to the brilliance of that light as it swept through their lives.

Swami Kriyananda Stories offers many previously untold anecdotes that convey not merely the facts but the feeling of what it was like to be befriended by a great modern teacher who was one with God.” – Nayaswami Asha, author of Swami Kriyananda: LIGHTBEARER and Swami Kriyananda: As We Have Known Him

Printed and Kindle books are available on Amazon.

Nayaswami Rambhakta became a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda in 1966. He lives in the Ananda Community of Mountain View, California.

Swami Kriyananda Stories: The Chapters

Prelude: A Search for HappinessCh. 1: Swami Kriyananda Passes ByCh. 2: Swami Kriyananda Passes By AgainCh. 3: A Visit to the Vatican
Ch. 4: Sing Out With JoyCh. 6: Be Honest With GodCh. 7: DoubtsCh. 8: Swami Kriyananda’s Happiness Recipe
Ch. 9: A Strange ExperienceCh. 10: Invisible SwamijiCh. 11: Swami Kriyananda’s Wi-Fi GuidanceCh. 12: Swami Kriyananda Guides My Relationships
Ch. 13: Swami Kriyananda: A Clear Channel for God’s HelpCh. 17: Photographing Swami KriyanandaCh. 18: “He’s Still at Fry’s”Ch. 19: Becoming Simple With Swami Kriyananda’s Help
Ch. 20: Knee to Knee With SwamijiCh. 21: Swami Kriyananda, SuperheroCh. 22: Swami Kriyananda, Guide Through Hard TimesCh. 23: Interlude — A Faceplant Hall of Fame
Ch. 24: Interlude — NightingaleCh. 25: Swami Kriyananda Administers a Lesson in Humility