Nayaswami Asha invited me to write articles for an Ananda website.
Why was I feeling so unwilling? My heart wasn’t in the project. I didn’t want to talk to God about my lousy energy – it was too embarrassing!
Finally, knowing I wouldn’t be able to change my attitude without help, I turned inwardly to Swamiji and said, “I’m feeling uninspired by this project, yet I know it can help people. I don’t want to write anything that comes from me. You are the one who can help those people. I offer myself to help with the project, but only as you may guide me.”
A clear sense of the right direction came. I recognized the flavor of the response as Swamiji’s. I jotted down several ideas that were fresh with inspiration.
In my experience, God never answers our formal prayers, offered with a sense of plodding duty. But He responds eagerly when we bare the honest feelings of our hearts, no matter how embarrassing.