Conversations With Ananda — Ch. 49, Supriya Goldberg

Supriya, Rose, and Nirmala celebrate at a wedding in April 2013.

Occupation: School teacher.

Children: None

Hobbies: Backpacking, singing, writing, horses

Pets: None at the moment

Favorite ways to spend time: Engaged in the above hobbies! And time with friends at the Sangha, of course!

Anything else interesting about yourself: I hiked the John Muir Trail one summer years ago – 220 miles in 25 days!

What year did you first come to Ananda? In 2005 – I’ve now been with Ananda for fifteen years!

OK, my testimonial:

What first “wowed” me about the Ananda church and community was hearing Asha talk at a Sunday service and listening to the choir sing. I knew with absolute certainty that I had discovered something very special indeed. I wanted to know more, and I wanted to be part of this place, this energy, these people. I had to know more.

I began by taking meditation classes, but that was not enough. I wanted to “hang out,” be part of everything, as much and as often as possible! Why? Because it just felt so good…so sweet, peaceful, and homey. Everyone was so kind, cheerful and friendly! I was drawn like a moth to a flame…I wanted to dive straight into that flame!

I found Anaya, the choir director, and asked her if I could become a choir member. My “audition” consisted of singing a few lines of the only kirtan song I could think of on the spur of the moment, “Door of My Heart.” Done deal! I was in. Thus began one of the most joyous endeavors in which I have ever partaken. The music has transported me to realms I never knew existed. I felt myself soaring among a consortium of angels! It became my most cherished practice.

When one is blessed with an abundance of love, the gift of the highest forms of friendship, divine classes, fabulous talks, music, and a myriad other precious spiritual treats, the natural response is to want to give back, simply out of gratitude. It also helps one immerse oneself even more deeply in the joy of the community and the wonderful energy. This is why I felt impelled to offer service in other ways.

I volunteered as an usher, first at Sunday services then at other events. What joy to be able to greet and assist all the lovely people who came in the door! A short time later, I happily discovered the immense fun and joy of being involved with food prep for major events. Not long after that, I was invited to be part of a newly formed sadhaka group, where the major focus of our practices involved serving in the Ananda residential community in Mountain View.

The sadhaka group, which lasted several months, became my most precious experience of Ananda. The service we performed culminated in two unique events. The first involved serving at Ananda Village over a weekend. I arrived somewhat sick, not sure what work I could actually perform – it was most dismaying. And yet! – I was soon amazed to find that the more I did – organizing the yurt where art classes were conducted for the village children – the more energy I had! Even more miraculously, the sickness left me! After several hours of serving on the first day, I only wanted to keep going at the end of the day. It was truly amazing – a wondrous experience, and one I will relish forever.

The second event we sadhakas put on was a gourmet lunch we created at the church, complete with a raffle drawing and entertainment. It was the culmination of our sadhaka group’s time together, and I had the joy of being an entertainer and playing MC for the raffle drawing. Oh, what gloriously good fun! As I called out the winners, I looked out over the sea of glowing faces and realized I loved every one of them. Each person was a friend and more – my own kin. The truth, so evident to me now, was simply this: the more I gave, the more I received! What I received were the best gifts I could ever want: the most sublime friendships, and from them, great joy and much love.

And there you have it. My greatest challenge this past year has been relocating to the East Bay, over an hour away from my beloved Palo Alto Ananda community. Nonetheless, I have faithfully made the commute most weekends, and I always feel that I am coming home – to paradise. As the expression goes, “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away!”

What I am looking forward to? A more sane, cleaner, safer, more spiritual and kinder world!!


God bless Ananda, now and forever!!!

Much love,


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