Swami Kriyananda — As We Have Known Him: Soul to Soul

(Told by Liladevi)

By the time I got to Swamiji’s lecture it was standing room only and I had to sit on the floor of the middle aisle. It didn’t matter where I was in the room, when Swamiji began to speak, I felt as if he were inside my spine, speaking directly to my soul. I don’t know how else to explain it.

And many of the things he talked about were issues I was facing right at that time, as if his whole lecture was just for me.

“My lectures are really conversations,” Swamiji says. “It is the consciousness of the audience that determines what I say. I never prepare in advance. I just pray to Divine Mother, ‘Use me as your instrument. Inspire me to say what You want this audience to hear.’”

When the lecture was over, I stood at the edge of a group gathered around Swamiji.  Our eyes met and I said simply, “Thank you for everything.”

“I am so glad you came and we could have this time together,” he replied.

Even with so many people present, Swamiji was still conscious of us as individual souls.


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