Kristina is a long-time member of Ananda Sangha in Palo Alto, California, whose cheerful, loving presence can be felt at most Ananda events. Here, she tells how her service brings her inspiration.
- Chopping Fruit and Veggies
I was fairly new to Ananda – I had taken a couple of meditation classes and I’d begun coming to Sunday service, and then at one point I was invited to help prepare a special dinner. I was a little surprised to be invited, because I thought very few people knew me. (Photo: 2000s)
At any rate, I chopped fruit and veggies for two hours, and while we were chopping there was light conversation which I found pleasant, but when I sat behind the wheel of my car to drive home I noticed that I was completely relaxed and centered and feeling an inner glow. It felt as though I had come home from a week’s vacation, and in that moment I realized that the deep calmness was a result of being with those who’d been with Ananda a long time and who were meditating regularly.
I had heard that it was important to associate with people whose presence is positive and uplifting, but that day was the first time I had really experienced it, and I realized that I might one day be a calming and centering presence for others as well.
- Thursday Nights
On Thursday nights I help out with a drop-in meditation at the Ananda teaching center. It’s a great joy to watch people change as they return week after week, and how their eyes get brighter and their smiles are more frequent. They’ll often mention how their life has gotten better as a result of the drop-in group meditations. I know it sounds dramatic when I say this, but it has changed my life. Meditating with others, and the opportunity to have my questions answered by one of the ministers is a treasure for me. It has helped me stay focused on my meditation and to be more peaceful in all ways.
- The Choir
I asked to join the choir because I was hoping to find a spiritual connection through the music. It has been hard for me but extremely rewarding. The hard part is that I’m not an above-average singer. In the past, if I found that I wasn’t above average at something, I would abandon it. So I had to put my ego aside if I was going to stay. Singing this music is uplifting in ways that are difficult to describe. Sometimes I wake up with the songs running through my mind, and it’s a terrific way to start the day.
- Greeting
Welcoming others on Sunday is another treat. It’s fun to tell people about the Sunday service, and it’s a great way to get to know lots of new people. My sense of belonging took a big jump when I began serving as a greeter. Helping others truly is its own reward.
- Sunday Service
I was planning at first just to take meditation classes at Ananda, but then, partly out of curiosity and partly because I liked the meditation classes, I went to my first Sunday service. It was a bit overwhelming. I was accustomed to Catholic services, and it was very different. The chanting and the occasional Indian words were outside of my experience, but I had an uncanny feeling that I belonged here, even though it certainly defied logic.
My husband and I used to have Sunday to ourselves. We would relax and read the paper and drink coffee. When I went to Catholic mass, it was at 5 p.m. on Saturday, so there wasn’t a conflict with our Sundays together. But the connection with Ananda was so strong that I began attending every Sunday, and for a while it did cause some tension at home. But now I’m happy to say that even though my husband doesn’t attend, he’s impressed with the people and organization of Ananda, and he’s been known to talk up Ananda at dinner parties. He says that if he were ever to be part of a spiritual group, it would be Ananda.
- Spiritual Home
I’ve been participating actively for about six years, and I can say without hesitation that Ananda is my spiritual home, and that I’m surrounded by my spiritual brothers and sisters. There’s a warmth and a feeling of wholeness that comes from finding one’s true inner home. I wasn’t aware that I was searching for it, but now that I’ve found it, I consider it the greatest blessing. I’m still in wonder that I’ve been blessed this much.
- Prayer
Participating in the healing prayer ministry has been another major blessing. Praying for others is so dear to my heart. Sending light to those in need is very easy to do, yet it’s filled with abundance. The more I pray for others, the less I think of myself and my own little life issues. We’ve all heard “The more you give, the more you receive.” And praying for others has shown me that it’s true – that the more light I send, the more light I receive.