Conversations With Ananda — Ch. 41, Sarah Landau

Sarah Landau in 2020.
Sarah in 2020.

Sarah Landau is a long-time disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda. She lived in the Palo Alto Ananda Community for many years and attends the Ananda Church of Self-Realization in Palo Alto, California. Noted for her eternally bright and cheerful disposition, she is kind and treasured friend to her many fellow seekers.

Occupation: Personal Assistant and Childcare.

Children: None

Hobbies: Music, history, walking in nature

Pets: None at present, but I’ve had several beloved cats.

Favorite ways to spend time: Singing with the Ananda choir, talking and just being with other Ananda devotees, watching documentaries, listening to music, reading, walking in nature.

Anything else interesting about yourself? I was born into an Orthodox Jewish family. I’m now a dedicated member of Ananda and a disciple of Yogananda. Quite a switch!

What year did you first come to Ananda? In 1982.

What aspects of Ananda Sangha have you found most life-transforming? Singing in the choir, taking classes with Nayaswami Asha, and listening to audio talks by Swamiji and Asha.

Can you tell a story about an experience where you gave freely of your time and energy to Master and experienced blessings or personal growth in return? I’ve sung with the Ananda Palo Alto choir since roughly 1991. I don’t read music, so I’ve had to learn the Alto parts by going over them again and again. I believe it’s been a very good thing, because the music has helped me attune myself to Master and Yogananda more deeply, as I have to go deep in the music to learn it.

Singing Swamiji’s music with the other choir members is always extremely uplifting. The group energy is very special, and I can understand from personal experience that we really are one.


1 thought on “Conversations With Ananda — Ch. 41, Sarah Landau”

  1. So nice to hear from you again, Sarah. I loved living below you for 7 years at the Palo Alto community. What a fun and beloved neighbor you were. I arrived at Ananda in 1985 and during my first church service on California Avenue above the appliance store you were one of the first people I recognized from other life times. I was overjoyed. Blessings to you always and thank you for the light in your eyes and the smile on your face.


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