Conversations With Ananda — Ch. 38, Julie Hilborn

The Hilborn family. Left to right: Carson, Julie, Drew, and Tim.

Occupation: Middle School Science Teacher and Faculty Mentor for future science teachers who are getting their university credentials

Children: Twin boys

Hobbies: Yoga, meditation, bicycling, swimming, reading, hiking.

Pets: Two cats (twin girls), a gecko, and a fish

Favorite ways to spend time: Hiking or mountain biking on the SF Peninsula and in the Sierras; bicycling the beautiful SF Peninsula; playing guitar, singing, playing with my boys, enjoying meals with friends and family

Anything else interesting about yourself?

(1) I feel blessed to have been able to go on many bicycle trips around the world, through India, Italy, England, the Netherlands, Belgium, and down the coast of North America from Vancouver, B.C. to Santa Barbara, California.

(2) Lived in Ecuador and Zimbabwe – worked for Outward Bound doing wilderness education and personal growth trips in Zimbabwe.

(3) Did a solo backpack trip for five nights alone in the Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe (communed with baboons, leopards, klipspringers, and greater kudu).

(4) I’m a second-generation San Francisco Peninsula native. My sister Satyana is also a member of Ananda – this is a great blessing!

What year did you first come to Ananda?

In 2001, and I am so happy I did.

What was the most rewarding and enjoyable experience of service that you’ve had with Ananda?

It has been a great blessing to coordinate the family programs for Ananda Palo Alto, including Family Services and Sunday School. Before having children, I loved playing the guitar for Sunday service, kirtans, and Christmas caroling.

What aspects of Ananda Sangha have you found most life-transforming?

From the first time I attended Sunday service, I knew I had found my spiritual “home.” I grew up in a Protestant church and always had a relationship with God, but Ananda made the relationship much deeper, more personal, and something that I put first in my everyday life above all else.

The teachings have bridged my Christian upbringing with Eastern spiritual traditions, and have expanded my consciousness to embrace all religions and all life. I now look upon every experience that I have, both “good” and “bad,” as a gift from the Divine. I am much calmer and able to look upon my life with a greater sense of humor, joyfulness, and gratitude.

I have also loved the satsang (fellowship) with other devotees, as well as the friendships and positive inspiration I continually receive from individuals and Ananda as a whole. I love giving back to Ananda because it has given so much to me.

Can you tell a story about an experience where you gave freely of your time and energy to Master and experienced blessings or personal growth in return?

Although I have participated in many forms of service, such as preparing meals and helping set up for Ananda’s many events, I think the greatest personal growth for me and sense of “giving back” has come from the family ministry. Our Family Service program grew from the willingness of a few parents to come together to create and lead a monthly service that is child-centered, yet completely devoted to Ananda teachings. Experiencing meditation, fire ceremonies, singing, and yoga through our children’s eyes fills me with joy and gratitude for the goodness of God.

Before I had children, I also experienced many blessings from joyful opportunities to play guitar at Sunday service, kirtans, and other fun Ananda special events. Once, my sister wrote a funny song about learning to meditate. She set it to the tune of “I Can’t Say No” from the musical ”Oklahoma.” She recruited me to play guitar and sing along with her and perform it at Ananda’s Thanksgiving brunch. We had so much fun getting ready for that performance. Although I never would have done anything like it on my own, the joy that my sister felt in the whole experience was so contagious, I couldn’t help but ride that joy wave all the way through the performance. When I am playing music for Ananda or just chanting alone, I am always filled with joy and gratitude to be part of such a wonderful spiritual community.

I have always had a tremendous spiritual affinity for nature. I’ve recognized my connection to the natural world from a very young age. At one point I organized a “Green Satsang.” Interested devotees came to Chela Bhavan (Asha’s present home) to share ways for individuals and the Ananda Community to be more “green.” We had a lovely discussion, and I felt great blessings from being able to expand our collective consciousness to include the natural world.

Small changes can make a big difference, and Ananda has implemented a few, such as using real silverware instead of throwaway plastic for all our events, and switching tungsten light bulbs for compact fluorescents. For a while, we also put a “Green Tip” in the weekly community newsletter. It has been a great blessing to feel that we are serving Master by also caring for our natural world and living more sustainably on this beautiful planet.

Just writing this has been a blessing!

Joy! Julie



1 thought on “Conversations With Ananda — Ch. 38, Julie Hilborn”

  1. Beautiful to hear your thoughts and memories, sister. Such a joy to share this path with you. I also remember fondly our “I Can’t Say Om” performance!


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